Negative Representation of women:
There is a negative representation of women being used in the Mr.Muscle (2010) advert.
Freeze Frame 1:
This is a mid-shot of her having difficulties cleaning the drain. This a negative representation of women as they are portrayed as housewives, this links back to the 1920's/1950's advert where women where the housewives. The gloves illustrates her as being clean and hygienic, furthermore she likes keeping everything organized: dishes, knives, spoons.
Freeze Frame 2:
Over the shoulder shot is used here, the purpose of using the is to show a conversation going on between them. In this freeze frame the women is at a lower angle to the man showing she is weaker and the man is dominant over her. The women is wearing a purple top with connotates to magic and mystery linking back to the product cleaning in a magical way. Compared to the 1920's/1950's I think modern women now where more jewelry; in this scene she doesn't look like a housewife at all.

Freeze Frame 4:
In this Freeze frame a mid-shot has been used to show her holding the product, she is very happy to receive the product as it will help her in the cleaning up. In the 1920's/1950's women thought doing the house work would make them successful and happy, however from this advert we can infer you didn't have to do the house work to stay happy.
Freeze Frame 5:
In this freeze frame there is a two shot used tot show the relationship between them, furthermore them having a conversation. The women is thanking the man for his help, yet still the women is at a lower angle showing the man's importance.
Freeze Frame 6:
In this freeze frame editing has been used to show another women calling for Mr.Muscles. They use the appeal need for sex as she is bending over the window, furthermore they represent women being dependent on men.