Monday, 16 September 2013

Action/Adventure Convention Analysis


1) What is the title of the film, when was it released, who directed it and stars in it ?

The movie I chose was 'The Avengers' which was released in 2012, 'The Avengers' was directed by 'Joss Whedon' staring 'Tony Stark' as iron man, 'Steve Rogers'  as Captain America, 'Bruce Banner' as 'Hulk'...

2) What is the Sub-genre of the film ? What signifies reveal this to the audience ?

The Sub-genre of 'The Avengers' is Sc-Fi as there is a lot of High-technology such as 'Iron-man' and the guns.

3) What  is the plot of the film ? What is he/she like ? Is he/she a conventional hero ?

The plot of the movie was to get earths mightiest hero's together to save earth the he was a conventional hero.

4) Who was the protagonist of the film ? Is he/she a conventional hero ?

The protagonist of 'The Avengers' was the heroic team of Iron man, Hulk, Captain America and Thor... The team was called the Avengers and was assigned by S.H.I.E.L.D. 'Nick Fury'  he was a conventional hero as he had the same features as every other hero's such as saving earth and having super human strength.

5) Who was the antagonist of the film ? Is he/she a conventional villain ?

The antagonist of the film was 'Loki' he was a powerful cleaver and full of magical powers, he was also a conventional villain as he has all the features of a villain such as super human strength and intelligence.

6) Are there any other conventional characters in the film ? Who are they and why are they conventional ? 

No there are no other conventional characters in the film.

7) What are the main signifies used in the film to reveal it is action/adventure to the audience? Think about locations used and the mise-en scene ?       

There was a lot of action for example: The battle between Thor and Hulk , Thor and Iron man there was a lot of conflict going on between the hero's, the guns and explosions, it was a adventure movie as it has the mission set up from Nick Fury to destroy Loki.

8) Think about one of the action-sequence in the film. What diegetic and non-diegetic sounds do you hear ? Are these conventional ?

There was a lot of diegetic sounds such as the inside of Iron man when he's inside the suit also the sound during the battle.

9) Think about one of the action-sequence in the film. What type of camera shots do you see ? Is the editing slow or fast-paced ? Why do you think so ?

It was mainly Long shot and close up shots in the film, also slow editing when Hawkeye jumps off the building and shooting the enemy down. This is to create more effect and make it more interesting.

10) Does the film break any conventions of the action/adventure genre ? If yes, why do you think it has done this ? If no, why do you think it stuck to the conventions ?

Yes, it does as Thor is Loki's brother whom was a villain, I think this is done because to crate a bit of family scene's. 

1 comment:

  1. A good film choice! Once we have looked at camera work and sound, revisit this piece to show your understanding of how it can be conventional in an action/adventure film.


